27 April, 2007

I Love u B'coz

I love you because ...
  • I love you because you make me happy
  • I love you because you make me feel safe and secure
  • I love your smile
  • I love the way you say my name
  • I love the look in your eyes when you tell me you love me. And how you laugh at me when I do something stupid, when others would put me down.
  • I love the fact that when I'm around you I can be myself and not worry about what you may think of me, because I know you love me for who I am. No matter what my faults may be.
  • I love being able to wake up with you by my side... It makes my days better At night I love watching you sleep, hearing you take each breath, andfeeling your heart beat with the palm of my hand... reality hits that you are not a dream YOU ARE MINE.
  • I love the way you wrap your arms around me and hold me really tight, like there is no tomorrow And I love the way I feel when your lips barely touch mine for a kiss, the love and emotions that go through me at that moment are unexplainable.
  • I love your laugh
  • I love hearing your voice
  • I love that you get along with my family and friend, no matter how much you dislike them, or who they are.
  • And hearing you tell me your stories, you could tell them to me a thousand times, and I will never get tired of them, because they are a part of you.


  1. I love the way u smilw since u rarely smile and when u do it's full of love

  2. I lov this pharse i stored in my computer.

  3. i love u
    this is the great message for the love birds

  4. i love this phrase b'cause i love some 1.....

  5. I love u for the fact tht u too love me..though u may not express but i can read..!!

  6. It's amazing, specially for new lovers also ! Beautiful Thoughts !

  7. i love you because u are the only one who understands me correctly

  8. there are many things to say but "i love u" says it all..

  9. i love u because......................i don't know......sorry.....but i love u.

  10. jaanu
    i love you b,coz u take alot of care for me

  11. i don't love u becz it's a slow poition.but i like this.

  12. janu,
    i love u lot bcoz u can be perfect wife

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I Love You, because
    I Love You..........
    And there is no other
    feeling which is more
    than this for You....RAKI

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. i love you because u make me feel when im alone

  17. i love u lot..........

    Bcoz.. I love being able to wake up with you by my side... It makes my days better At night I love watching you sleep, hearing you take each breath, andfeeling your heart beat with the palm of my hand... reality hits that you are not a dream YOU ARE MINE.

  18. i love u lot..........

    Bcoz.. I love being able to wake up with you by my side... It makes my days better At night I love watching you sleep, hearing you take each breath, andfeeling your heart beat with the palm of my hand... reality hits that you are not a dream YOU ARE MINE.

  19. I love my Raj.... Coz he is everything for me
