26 May, 2007

Love Reason [touching]

Love Doesn't need a Reason [Touching]

- Do you love me? Why? give reasons, not proof -

Lady : Why Do you like me .. ? Why Do you Love me..?
Man : I can't tell the reason. But I really like you...
Lady : You can't even tell me the reason... how can you say you like me? How can you say you love me?
Man : I really don't know the reason, but I can prove that I love you.
Lady : Proof? No! I want you to tell me the reason. My friend's boyfriend can tell her why he loves her but not you.
Man : Ok..ok Erm... because you are beautiful,
because your voice is sweet, because you are caring,
because you are loving, because you are thoughtful,
because of your smile, because of your every movements.

The lady felt very satisfied with the man's answer. Unfortunately, a few days later, the Lady met with an accident and went into the coma stage.

The Guy then placed a letter by her side, and here is the content -
  • Darling,
    Because of your sweet voice that I love you...Now can you talk? No! Therefore I cannot love you.
    Because of your care and concern that I like you. Now that you cannot show them, therefore I cannot love you. Because of your smile, because of your every movement that I love you...Now can you smile? Now can you move? No, therefore, I cannot love you. If love needs a reason, like now, there is no reason for me to love you anymore.
    Does love need a reason? NO!
    Therefore, I still love you. And love doesn't need a reason.

Relationships are hard to handle, might even seem impossible at times.

There will be many fights and many quarrels, many disagreements and many tears.The easiest thing would be to give up.But if we spent half the energy we use in fighting with each other, and spend that energy in fighting to keep the relationship strong, then that is love.

Remember, in a relationship, giving up is not the solution Disagreements, fights and quarrels will always be there. But you must always fight harder to stay together. Some fights are truly worth fighting! SMILE !


  1. yes its apselutely true when your love asks 4 reasons to love then its not when becoz love is always unconditional reasons does'nt make love

  2. Mmm...yes, love is unconditional. No need any reason to be love, to love. And please, dont keep any reason for love at all. Sharing, caring is the only reason....!!!


  3. Yes, very true, can't explain in words but love is just love nothing can explain or justify the feeling.

    We love some one because of love only.

  4. yes in my opinion i would like to say that love needs no reason to love anybody it just happen because we love them.
    we love her b'coz of what she is not because of who she is?so love is love.we love her b'coz we dont know the reason why we love her,if we know the reason then it's not love.
    SO LOVE IS ALWAYZ UNCONDITIONAL!!!!!!!!....with luv AJIT to shradha

  5. I dont Care......

    Who You Are!!
    Where You From!!
    Wht You Do !!

    As Long As You Love Me.

    (i think the lines says it all...thank you )

  6. Loves comes naturally and is unconditional. No one can give u the Reasons why he loves you. only you can feels the love. Dont expect love in returns. Just wait for the love to grow stronger in their Heart.

  7. Loves comes naturally and is unconditional. No one can give u the Reasons why he loves you. only you can feels the love. Dont expect love in returns. Just wait for the love to grow stronger in their Heart.

  8. love is a wonderful feeling which cannot be expressed in words..love can be felt by the deeds and not by the words..the most beautiful feeling which god has given to us is LOVE

  9. Hmmm....
    Really love need nooo... reason
    is n e one who kud give me a reaason to love smone

  10. Its True Love doesn't have any reason for it !!!!!!!

  11. Chaitali

    TRue love did not need a proof it is prue like a gold
